Characteristics of a quality website

Everybody in SmartWebDesign when starting creating a website follow some determined standards in order to ensure the quality of the projects that we and our clients demand. Although the meaning of quality is not the same for everybody let’s see a few characteristics that a website must have in order to be considered as a quality website.

1. Loading and working in all browsers while correctly showing all of its content.
Each browser (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari) has its own specificities and during programming of every website we check that its appearance will be the same in all browsers.

2. Anticipate everything in order to ensure that everything works and will continue to in future browser versions.
In SmartWebDesign we follow the standards set by Worldwide Web Consortium or W3C for programming and constructing a website so we can be sure that the websites we make will work in all devices available and will become available in the future.

3. Loading fast.
The time that it takes for a webpage to show up (load) is one of the most essential factors that will keep or drive away instantly a visitor. The speed with which the webpage will show up on the visitor’s screen depends on the procession made on its graphics. The text loads really fast. The determinant factor is the compression of its graphics (pictures, photos etc.) that can make the webpage load time ten times smaller

4. Be readable while providing information easily and without much trouble and search.
Although the first impression is very important for the visitor to decide whether he will stay or not, eventually information is what will lead the visitor to the expected result for the businessman. The searching complexity of the visitor’s required information and an extensive amount of clicks contribute to the visitors leaving the website. We must be careful during website construction that the information is easy to find, clear and accurate.

5. Follow the usability motifs that internet users are accustomed to.
Internet follows certain functions and users are accustomed to a few things like clicking ( assuming there is a link) in underlined blue text. It is not right going against users customs. Furthermore, they are used to going on the main page of the website clicking on the logo that is always on the top and left side of the page. In addition, they search a link for information or contact in the last link of the navigation bar.

6. The use of harmonic and charming color scheme.
The color scheme that is chosen in the website construction is directly linked with the target that has been set, each company’s profile and the products and services being promoted. The time that the average user spends to decide whether he is interested in the web site or not is about 3-5 seconds. The visual assembly must be effortless and provoke the visitor to search even further the web site.

7. Have a set target and stay focus on it from the beginning till the the end.
A fundamental factor of success for a web site is, before starting its design, to have set clearly the targets that we want to accomplish. In whom will it address and what do we want to accomplish. Indicative, some of the targets can be: customer attraction, business contacts creation, product presentation, e-mail collection for database creation, profile upgrade and etc.
In SmartWebDesign quality is synonymous with our name. Our aim is to help you accomplish your targets.