Logo design. The basis of a website

The right and smart logo design and complete corporate info is the basis for a succesfull promotion strategy.

The logo and the corporate info in general completely characterizes your business. It creates the first impressions and in effect is the hallmark of your business.

That is why great awareness is required in its design.

It constitutes perhaps the most important and stable mean for the promotion and advertising of your business in the market.

For a logo to be successful being nice is not enough. The nature of the subject of the company as well as the public in which it addresses are two parameters that must be kept in mind. You must not forget that your logo , among other things, must transmit in the observer your knowledge for the subject and meanwhile inspire him.


A logo should be simple and without many remarks of enthusiasm.

The drawing of the logo is the easy part of the job. The biggest part is the research (who are the antagonists, where will it be presented, what is his target) and the use of the logo in all of its forms (black and white, coloured, on the web, fax, letters, envelopes, business cards, forms,etc.). For large companies, their logo is a part of much bigger corporaet info system which includes a brandbook with all the necessary instructions about how is the logo goint to be applied in each situation (registration, brochures, websites, etc.) and all the possible combinations.