Social Media : 10+ advantages for businesses that you should know about
One of the key advantages that social media offer to business is the ability to share content with thousands of followers thought it is not the only one. In the past but even more today, most businesses search for ways to increase their portfolio, their income and therefore their profits. Social media is a perfect and quick way to achieve this. Although, many entepreneurs do not understand the value that they can add to their brand through social media and are reserved if not negative to their use. Here, we will try to show the basic advantages of social that can help in promoting an enterprise and in the achievement of its aims.
1. Through social media someone can easily find his customers
The key in a well structured campaing whatever, no matter which company does it, is to know well the people it addresses to. Social media offer that capability in the easiest way. Using tools like Facebook Insights and HootSuite you can easily find out much information about your customers, like: language, age, gender, etc. – so you can target your next advertising campaign better. This knowledge can help you promote your new products and offers to your customers, and make your investment more efficient (Return-on-Investment – ROI).
2. Knowing your followers through social media can help you aim at them better
The most effective way for someone to promote what his to those he addresses it to and sent the message he wants is Geo-targetting. In this way we can aim to a specific demographic audience according to their location. Social networks, like Facebook and Twitter, have the tools that allow you to publicize the suitable content to the right audience. For example, throught Facebook you can aim to your audience according to: location, language, age, gender, relationshop, interests and education. Let’s say you want to send a message to people that speak English, in another country, geo-targetting through Facebook is an easy way and effective way to do this right.
3. Social media help you find new customers and expand your audience
Using and utilising social media, like Facebook and Twitter, is an easy way to locate customers or find potentially new ones. Checking for example, who tweer through a Hootsuite search for biological products, a shop that trades biological products can find potentially new customers. After locating the tweets about biological products the company, and invite them to try new products at their shop.
4. Social media allow you to reiceve instantly feedback from your clients
Instant positive or negative feedback that social media offer in a business provieds valuable information concerning the needs of each client. For example, a business can see the reaction and the response that clients have to a new product that has just been launched and learn instantly how they see it and what they think about it the customers about it. Another way to see the visual reaction of the customer through social media is- to learn how they use your product! Many brands launch often new products and services based on innovative ideas of their clients through social media.
5. Social media help a business to be one step ahead of its antagonists
Being active in social media, a business can obtain information about its antagonists and improve its knowledge about the market it is in. Having this knowledge it can make strategic moves and take the appropriate decisions, in order to always be a step ahead from its competitors. Creating the right search engine tool in Hootsuite, we can make a series of searches in order to watch when and where is our competitors name mentioned. Based on the results we can improve our business and offer something our competitors do not at this time.
6. Social media help in the increase of the traffic of a website and in the improvement in its Google result ranking
Developing a website for a businnes does not suffice. The reason why a business creates a website is to promote its products and its services that it offers and attract new customers. In order to achieve this having big traffic is necessary. One of the biggest benefits of social media for businesses is their use that helps increase traffic to their websites. Social media, besides helping people visit the website they support, the more likes and shares they get, the higher their rank in Google results will be.
7. Sharing content easier and faster throught social media
A big challenge and problem that all businesses face is to ensure that their content and the information they want to give to their clients will reach them in the shortest time possible. A business using social media can make this procedure a lot faster and easier. In this way, the only thing that a business must do is share it through all its social media accounts.
8. Promotion in social media has a much smaller price
Social media is an easyand cheap way to attract customers. Many marketing branches are made around th content and the social platfors, like advertisements in Facebook and Twitter, which allow a business to develop, increase its hype in a bigger audience, and create inceased deamnd for its products and services. There are 2 types of content that canbe promoted through advertising in Facebook and Twitter: free content and controlled content. When someone shares the second type of content, it is a very effective way to “gather” e-mails and attract new costumers.
9. Create meaningfu relationships with your customers through social media
Social media are very useful in creating meaningful relationships between a business and its customers. For example, social media allow brands in the tourism market to communicate with their travellers, as a result a relationship is created , before, during and after their reservation. This type of social dialogue between brands and customers is something that traditional advertising will never achieve.
10. Social media allow the increase of the traffic and the hype of the brand with limited budget or even non-existent
Social media allowed businesses to increase their recognizability with a low amount of money or even cost-free. The expensed that are connected with these internet marketing strategies in social media are considerable cheaper than the traditional advertising methods. Gradually, in many marketing branches, employment directors started hiring community manager to increase their reputation and the hype of their brand through social media .